
BleedHD web application for transplantation research

Person bedient ein Tablet mit der "Bleed HD" Applikation

BleedHD is a Progressive Web App (PWA) for carrying out assessments before and after a blood or stem cell transplant. The assessments are used to detect graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) at an early stage.

Person bedient ein Tablet mit der "Bleed HD" Applikation

Involving haematologists and gynaecologists in the development process was the basis for the user-oriented application design. The responsive web application is optimised for use on touch-based tablets.

With the PWA, doctors can record the data flexibly for each patient - regardless of the order in which the data is entered. Every change to the data triggers a recalculation of the evaluation. The doctors' initial assessment is compared with the complete assessment result during data entry and warns of any inconsistencies.

The latest technologies are used for the Bleed HD application. The front-end app is implemented as a PWA based on Vue.js, which processes the patient data via an API in the Symfony backend and stores it in the database.

Medizinpersonal bedient ein Tablet mit der "Bleed HD" Applikation